Ways to Boost Your Memory: 7 Simple Tips to Remember Better

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      It might seem like our brains work the best when we’re in our 40s, and after that, everything starts to decline. We begin forgetting names and places, and we end up searching on Google for ways to improve our memory.

      Even in our late 20s and 30s, we may notice that remembering things isn’t as easy as it used to be. If you’re a student studying for an exam at the last minute or if you have an important presentation tomorrow, you know how tough it is to remember information.

      If you’re someone who often forgets things and keeps searching for ways to improve your memory on Google, Let’s see 7 easy ways to remember more.

      1. Quiz yourself: The more questions you ask, the better. If you do this every week, you’ll notice how you’ll get better at remembering—gradually but surely. In addition, it’s much more interesting than just reading the same thing over and over.
      2. Sleep more: When we learn something and then take a nap before trying to remember it, our brains do a better job of recalling the information. This is more effective than staying awake. The process that makes this happen is called “consolidating,” and it occurs during our stage two sleep, which is the light sleep we typically experience before waking up. So, taking a nap after learning can help our brains organize and strengthen the memories.
      3. Use mnemonics: Mnemonics helps memory by using letters or phrases. Keep it simple, like using “NEWS” for compass points. When memorizing, strike a balance—make it memorable without being more complicated than the info. For instance, to remember India’s first five prime ministers:Jawaharlal Nehru
        Gulzarilal Nanda
        Lal Bahadur Shastri
        Indira Gandhi
        Use their initials (J, G, L, I) and create a wacky sentence like “John Needed George’s Nest and Leaves. Sally Irritated George for it.” Easy and fun to remember!
      4. Relate it to your life: To remember old events, link them to your life. For example, connect British history to a family beach argument. Give family members historical roles for extra recall. Connecting history to your life helps you remember.
      5. Move more: Moving your body helps keep your thinking skills sharp and lowers the risk of problems like dementia. If you don’t move much, your brain decline risk is almost twice as high as for those who stay active. You don’t need to do intense exercises. Just doing simple things like using stairs, walking your dog, or dancing can make a big difference in keeping your mind healthy.
      6. Talk more: Imagine speaking about what you want to remember. Picture yourself at significant events, like your wedding or at the United Nations, in front of important people. This mental image will push you to make the speech memorable, both for them and for you.
      7. Draw it: A picture tells a lot more than words. It’s better to have pictures than lots of words on your notes because our minds remember images better than long lists of words.
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